Well I figure I'll start things off here by bidding you all farewell (sad face). I'm excited and grateful that I have this opportunity to devote the next bit to serving my Father in Heaven. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing right now than serving a mission and I can't
even begin to describe all the emotions I have right now.
I'm definitely gonna miss everyone, but I know I have a greater cause at hand.
even begin to describe all the emotions I have right now.

I do know with all my heart that this church,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is true.
I'm grateful every day that I was brought up with the Gospel in my life
and for the joy and peace it brings to me. I know that God lives, he is our
Father in Heaven and he loves us more than we'll ever know.
and for the joy and peace it brings to me. I know that God lives, he is our
Father in Heaven and he loves us more than we'll ever know.

son and our Savior. I know that the church was restored through the Prophet
Joseph Smith and that we have a modern day prophet,

and guides us today. I'm grateful for his example, inspiration, and words of
encouragement. I know the Book of Mormon is the true Word of God and I feel it's
truth everytime I read. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends and
family in my life and I couldn't be more grateful for the love and support I've
received. I love you all like you wouldn't believe and look forward to seeing
your beautiful faces in 2013!!

Um, Sister Rupp, I just had several "moments." Your testimony is beautiful; thank you for sharing it. I look forward to reading about many exciting adventures from the Sisterhood of the Traveling G's...I know you will all be fabulous missionaries! You are amazing. Thanks for your awesome example. "God be with you 'til we meet again." (And when you get back- we are totally planning camp together, sled dogs and all.)